Flow Parameters and Scheduled Jobs

The following flow parameters and scheduled jobs are used with the Billing and Collection solution.

1 Flow Parameters

Parameter Name Days After Unpaid Due Date
Details Type: Integer; Code: DAUDD
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with FTOS_PA_Policy Lapsed scheduled job
Description This parameter sets the number of days after an unpaid installment’s due date.
When the parameter is fulfilled, the policy is automatically moved from InForce to Lapsed status.


Parameter name PayOnTime Retrial Days
Details Type: Collection; Code: POTRD
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with GeneratePaymentForInstallments scheduled job
Description This parameter is used to set the number of days, after the initial due date set for an installment, after which the GeneratePaymentForInstallments scheduled job triggers the PayOnTime retrial process.
This being a collection type parameter, you can add or set multiple values for the number of days in which a new payment retrial must be made. Use the parameter form to define a new item in the collection, as needed.


Parameter name FTOS_PYMT_DIDEConfiguration
Details Type: JSON; Code: DIDE
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with FTOS_PYMT_DIDEInstructionFile scheduled job
Description This parameter creates the DIDE file configuration with the following information:
- With how many days in advance the file will be generated before statement due date,
- If the file should be generated on a bank holiday or not,
- Which days of the week should be excluded when generating a DIDE file.


Parameter name PAID Payment Config
Details Type: Collection; Code: PAIDPYMT
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with N/A
Description This parameter sets the details regarding PAD Payments. 
The parameter contains details about:
- The commission set for payments,
- The beneficiary for payments,
- The IBAN where the payments are made,
- The bank correlated with the IBAN.


Parameter name Days Before Expiration Grace Period
Details Type: Integer; Code: DBEGP
Component Billing and Collection, Notifications
Correlated with FTOS_BC_PaymentUnconfirmedGracePeriod scheduled job
Description This parameter sets the number of days before the expiration of the grace period for an installment. Also, a Pre-announce lapsing notification is sent to a chosen address, within the number of days set through this parameter.


Parameter name No. of Days Before Return
Details Type: Integer; Code: PRDAY
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with FTOS_PYMT_Payment_ReturnUnallocatedAmount scheduled job
Description This parameter sets the number of days before automatically generating a Payment Return for a payment which is still in Unallocated status in the system.
The value set in this parameter is used by the FTOS_PYMT_Payment_ReturnUnallocatedAmount scheduled job in order to trigger the payment return generation process.


Parameter name Generating Statement Days in Advance/ No. of Days in Advance
Details Type: Integer; Code: SGDAY
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with FTOS_PYMT_InsertStatementDueDate scheduled job
Description This parameter sets the day for generating the statement (invoice) in advance with a number of days before the payment's due date. This parameter is set for all the invoices to be generated for the installments on a policy. The FTOS_PYMT_InsertStatementDueDate scheduled job that triggers the generation of the invoice is using this parameter.
NOTE  The configuration of this parameter is made at product level, where the user can select that the current product keeps the default parameter value or can be configured with a specific value, as desired.


Parameter name Write Off Limits
Details Type: Collection; Code: WO
Component Billing and Collection
Correlated with N/A
Description This parameter sets the limit values for a Write-Off payment. This kind of payment is generated automatically by the system during the allocation of payments. This parameter can be set for RON and EUR currencies.
NOTE  The configuration of this parameter is made at product level, where the user can select that the current product keeps the default parameter value or can be configured with a specific value, as desired.


2 Scheduled Jobs

Job name GeneratePaymentForInstallments
Scheduled At 06:32 AM, daily run
Description This job notifies the system to withdraw a payment amount - through the PayUOnTime process.
After the initial due date set for an installment, this job also uses the PayUOnTime retrial days parameter to withdraw the payment amount.
For example:
- First payment retrial – 0 day after installment’s due date
- Second payment retrial – 3 days after installment’s due date
- Third payment retrial – 11 days after installment’s due date.


Job name FTOS_PYMT_DIDEInstructionFile
Scheduled At 03:00 AM, daily run
Description This job takes into consideration the FTOS_PYMT_DIDEConfiguration parameter. This job is set in order to generate the Direct Debit instruction file into the system. This file is generated in .txt format, in order to be sent to the bank that is going to process it. The file contains the instructions for direct debit billings for an active mandate.


Job name FTOS_PYMT_Payment_ReturnUnallocatedAmount
Scheduled At 02:00 AM, daily run
Description This job creates payment returns for payments which are in Unallocated status for more than the number of days set by the No. of Days Before Return parameter.
For example: If a payment is in Unallocated status for more than 5 days, a payment return is automatically generated for this unallocated payment, in the sixth day.


Job name


Scheduled At 03:00 AM, daily run
Description This job generates an insurer statement (invoice) for policies in Proposal, Issued or InForce status, at each installment’s due date.
NOTE  Policies in Cancelled status are excluded for new invoice generation.
For products on which the Specific SGDAY option is checked, the invoices are generated taking into account the Specific SGDAY chosen value.
For products on which the Specific Day of the Month option is checked, and the product becomes active after that specific day of the month, the invoices are generated starting with the next month, on the specified day.


Job name FTOS_PYMT_PaymentReminder
Scheduled At 09:00 AM in the working day set by the Payment Reminder parameter
Description This job sends a payment reminder notification about any installment in Unpaid status to the policy holders.
This job runs in the nth working day set in Payment Reminder parameter (number of days after DIDE generation).


Job name FTOS_GetExchangeRate_BNR
Scheduled At 03:20 AM, daily run
Description This job gets the official BNR (National Bank of Romania) Exchange Rate daily values for currencies, in order to be used inside the different Billing and Collection operations.


Job name FTOS_PYMT_DirectDebitMandateStatus
Scheduled At 05:00 AM, daily run
Description For all the mandates registered in the system, the job checks the Begin and End Dates against the current date and it updates the mandate statuses accordingly. For example, if the current date is passed the End Date set for a mandate, the mandate status is changed to Expired.