Insurance Formulas
FintechOS Business Formulas enable you to reduce completion time for different types of calculations. Once you created your own insurance formulas, you can make them work in conjunction with your insurance products, or product items (coverages).
In the Insurance Product Factory solution, different entities store different formulas, as follows:
The following entities store formulas attached at the level of the insurance product:
FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductFormula - stores the premium calculation formulas attached to a product.
FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductItemFormulaUnd - stores the underwriting formulas attached to a product.
The following entities store formulas attached to an insurance product item (coverage):
FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductItemFormula - stores the premium calculation formulas attached to a product item (coverage).
FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductCoverFormulaUnd - stores the underwriting formulas attached to a product item (coverage).
Check the following pages for technical details about:
Only one formula can be attached to a specified product, or product item (coverage), at a time.