Insurance Product Factory Endpoints
There are cases when you need to access the product data or Insurance Product Factory functionalities in a way alternative to the one available as a user journey, in Innovation Studio. The solution allows you to make API calls regarding different product-related aspects. For interacting with defined products, the following endpoints are available:
FTOS_IP_PremiumAmountAPI - for getting prices on a specified insurance product, or product item (coverage).
FTOS_IP_GetUWRulesResultAPI - for getting the underwriting decision for a specified insurance product, or product item (coverage).
FTOS_IP_GetProductFormulasStructuresAPI - for getting all the tariff and underwriting formulas attached to a specified insurance product, or product item (coverage).
Apart from the above endpoints, the following are other endpoints available with the Insurance Product Factory solution:
Script: FTOS_IP_CALC_TestPremiumAmount
Description: This script is used during the Test Calculation step, to test the premium calculation formulas attached on insurance product coverages and return the result.
Script: FTOS_IP_CALC_TestVerifyUnderwriting
Description: This script is used during the Test Calculation step, to test the underwriting rules on an insurance product and return the result.
Script: FTOS_IP_CloneIP
Description: This script gets all the configurations attached to a specified insurance product and uses them to create a new clone product.
Script: FTOS_IP_FormulaDataMapping_CheckExisting
Description: This script checks if there is a data mapping of the same type already added on an insurance formula.
Script: FTOS_IP_GetInsuranceProductCalculationDetails
Description: This script gets the insurance product calculation details.
Script: FTOS_IP_GetInsuranceProductType
Description: This script gets the insurance product type details.
Script: FTOS_IP_GetLineOfBusinessVA
Description: This endpoint calls the FTOS_IP_GetLineOfBusinessVA on demand script to retrieve the class of business, or class of business and category of business. It is used on FTOS_IP_LineOfBusiness form and FTOS_IP_LineOfBusinessSubtype form.
Script: FTOS_IP_InsuranceProduct_CheckUnderwrittingType
Description: This script gets the insurance product underwriting type.
Script: FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductCoverFormulaUnd_CreateDataMapping
Description: This script creates the data mapping for the UW formulas, or rules attached on coverages.
Script: FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductFormula_CreateDataMapping
Description: This script creates the data mapping for the UW formulas, or rules attached on product.
Script: FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductItemFormula_CreateDataMapping
Description: This script creates the data mapping for the premium calculation formulas, or rules attached on coverages.
Script: FTOS_IP_InsuranceProductItemFormulaUnd_CreateDataMapping
Description: This script creates the data mapping for the underwriting calculation formulas, or rules attached on coverages.
Script: FTOS_IP_ValidateIP
Description: This script is used in the cloning process, to check if the provided product name and code are not already used on another product.
Script: FTOS_VersioningHelper_Edit_FetchEntity
Description: This script handles server-side operations needed in the versioning process, when evaluating whether the versioning option should be available on a record or not.
The Insurance Product Factory endpoints are listed in Innovation Studio, in the Endpoints List page. To find them, follow this path Innovation Studio main menu > Advanced > Endpoints > Endpoints list.