System Users

Only users with User Management Security Roles can manage system users.

One or more security roles can be associated at user level, enabling a simple process for promoting or revoking rights. You can grant access to the platform to both users within your organization, and to persons outside your organization who use company data to make decisions (external users). Users have access to the platform functionality based on the security role assignment. By default, all users are able to view and manage their account data in the My Account section.


Only users with elevated privileges (admin account) can manage users.

In FintechOS, user type is a grouping for the users based on platform high level access (to not be confused with system roles).

The platform distinguishes three system user types:

  • Back Office - The user type that all users have when created. It does not have a special access scope, it is just a category.

  • Guest - It is just a category, it does not have any special platform access meaning. There can’t be two users with this type.

  • Portal - Used in implementation if there is a DNN Portal created that gets data from FintechOS.

Add System Users

  1. From the menu, click Security > System Users. The Active Users List page appears.
  2. Click Insert. The Add System User page appears.
  3. In the appropriate fields, provide the user credentials the user uses to log into the platform (Username, Password, Confirm Password).
  4. From the Business Unit drop-down, select the business unit to which the user belongs to.
  5. NOTE  
    Root is an important business unit that comes by default with FintechOS. A user configured under the root business unit can see all the records of the entities based on granted access rights.
  6. If you want the user to have full access privileges within the platform (Admin user), tick the Is Administrator checkbox.
  7. Tick the Is Guest box if the user you are creating has a guest account.
  8. Activate the user by ticking the Is Authorized checkbox.
  9. Select the System User Type by selecting from existing user types or insert new ones based on your needs.
  10. Click Save and reload. The Edit System User page appears.
  11. From the Security Roles Role section, define the role assignment by clicking Insert existing and selecting the desired security role. A user can have multiple role assignments. The user has the access privileges and the level of access as defined by the security items within the selected security roles.
  12. Click Save and close to save the user updates.

You can now pass the credentials to users and recommend them to change the password at first login.

Change Password

At first login, system users should change the default password to a different one that also abides by the strong password rules. Passwords must contain a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

  1. In FintechOS Studio, in the top right corner of the screen, click ProfileMy profile > Edit System User.

  2. In the Edit System User screen, click the Change Password button at the bottom of the screen. A modal window opens where you need to add the current and the new passwords.

  3. When done, click Save and reload.

Edit System Users

You can edit users by changing their details, adding new security roles, editing existing ones, or removing security roles.

To edit a user, from the menu, click Security > System Users. The Active Users List page is displayed. Double-click the active user whose details you want to edit. The Edit System User page opens. Make the desired changes and click Save and close.

This users view also displays the last successful login date, hour, and IP address.

NOTE   The username field is read-only, you cannot edit it.

Click Inactive Users, Temporary Users or Service Accounts to display lists of these types of users. If you have admin rights, you can delete temporary users by clicking the Delete Temporary Identity button.

You can also export lists of users by clicking the Export menu button.

Edit Service Accounts

  1. Click the Service Accounts tab and double-click an entry in the list. The Service Account Details form opens.

  2. You can edit the Service Account user, including add Security Roles that are automatically synched with the FintechOS IDP.

  3. When done, click Save and close.

If the account is a Service Account, then the Is Service Account box is ticked.