
This tab offers an advantage by generating a report which exposes information about the entity and the statuses it has passed through. By selecting the dates it is possible to see and pinpoint the exact transition from a status to another took place in a digital journey.

To generate a report follow the steps:

  1. Open the FintechOS Studio using the user name and password.
  2. Open the main menu, select Automation Blocks.
  3. Open Business Workflow Designer and select the workflow you wish to modify.
  4. Click the Analytics tab.
  5. Fill in the following fields:
    • Entity: Select the entity on which you wish to see the report.
    • Start date: Choose the date for the report to begin on.
    • End date: Choose the date for the report to end.
    • Business unit: Choose the unit.
    • Include Hierarchy: Tick the bool if you wish to include the hierarchy from the unit.
  6. Click Generate Report.
  7. If you hover on the statuses you will see more details and if you click and drag them it is possible to move them where you wish.
  8. By clicking the Home button the statuses will reverse to their initial place.