
FintechOS Studio offers several options for debugging automation scripts from the development and testing environments.

Debugging Server

On development environments, a dedicated JavaScript debugging engine can load your server automation scripts and expose them client-side in a FintechOS Portal instance. This allows you to take advantage of your browser's developer tools to debug your server automation scripts just like you would with client scripts. For instance, you can:

  • execute your code line-by-line
  • pause the code execution with breakpoints
  • monitor variable values or custom expressions with watch expressions

Debugging Server Prerequisites

  • A user account with the Debugger Users security role (see Security Roles).
  • The sys-workflowengine-useclearscript and sys-workflowengine-enable-debugging System Parameters must be set to 1. These enable the Microsoft ClearScript (ES6) JavaScript engine (instead of the default Jint JavaScript interpreter) and start the debugging server respectively.
When switching the JavaScript scripting engine from Jint to ClearScript, the alternate ES6 language specifications may impact your server automation scripts (see ES6 Compatibility Impact).

Use the Debugging Server

  1. Log in to a FintechOS Portal instance with a developer user account (see Debugging Server Prerequisites).
  2. A debug button is displayed on the portal's dashboard. Click the Debug button.

    Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+D or Command+Alt+D shortcut on Windows or MacOS operating systems respectively.
  3. A list containing all server automation and all scripts executed in the status transition in a business workflow. Select the script(s) you wish to debug and click Start to initiate the debug session.
  4. The Debug Session Configuration engine is now waiting for you to trigger the script execution.
  5. Trigger the script:
  6. Click Get debug Url to retrieve the debug session URL.
  7. Copy the debug session URL and paste it in your browser's address bar (we recommend Google Chrome), then press Enter to open the link in your browser's DevTools window.
  8. The link initially opens a wrapper function for your script. Click the Resume Script Execution button in your browser's debugger.
  9. Your script opens and its execution is paused at the start (a debugger instruction is inserted automatically at the beginning of your script).
  10. Start debugging your code using your browser's developer tools.

Debugging Log

The Debugging Log generates log events and continues the code execution. If the code execution breaks due to a throwException or to an unexpected error, the information will be recorded in the log.

Use the log Server SDK function to generate custom log messages from code.

Logging Destinations

The FintechOS Platform platform can send logging information to the following destinations:

  • System console
  • Local file storage
  • A Seq structured log server
  • An Azure Application Insights service

For more information, see the Administration Guide.

Logging Context

In addition to the actual log events, you can track the context in which a log event occurred (machine name, portal profile, thread ID, etc.), as well as define your own custom log context properties via server-side scripting (see Custom Log Context Properties). If a default log context property is not protected, you can use the custom log context property functions to edit it.

By default, the following log context properties are recorded:

Field Protected Description
base-machine-name Yes NetBIOS name of the machine that initiated the process.
correlation-id Yes GUID which correlates the initial call made from one of the internal FintechOS Platform components or from an external client application with the subsequent calls triggered between FintechOS Platformcomponents.
portal-profile Yes Name of the originating FintechOS Portal profile.
application-name Yes Name of the application where the log event takes place.
base-thread-id Yes Currently managed Thread ID which generated the log event.
djc-form-name No Name of the form currently in use.
djc-form-id No ID of the form currently in use.
djc-record-id No ID of the business entity record currently in use.
djc-record-type No Attribute name of the primary key for the business entity record currently in use.
djc-journey-name No Name of the digital journey currently in use.
djc-journey-instance-id No ID of the digital journey instance currently in use.
djc-activity-id No ID of the form section currently in use.
djc-activity-type No Name of the form section currently in use.
djc-activity-instance-id No Digital journey instance step currently in use.
djc-journey-id No ID of the digital journey currently in use.

For instance, a typical log message may appear like this:

 Timestamp: 17/12/2021 02:10:15 PM
 Message: Record saved successfully.
 Severity: Information
 Properties: { CorrelationId: "23cdb1f5-0529-4377-b200-399efb8bc32f", portal-profile: null, base-machine-name: "FTOSBUCLP385", application-name: "Platform", automationscript: "sample-script-log-api" }

Custom Log Context Properties

To set up your own custom log context properties use the following Server SDK functions:

Function Description
server.logging.setProperty Sets a custom log property to be included in log messages.
server.logging.getProperty Retrieves the value of a custom logging property.
server.logging.clearProperty Clears the value of a custom logging property.
server.logging.isPropertySet Checks if a custom logging property has been defined.

Throw Exceptions

Break the automation script execution and display the message as specified within the throwException statement.

When the throwException method is called in an automation script, the passed error message is available to users.

Examples of how throwException can be used for debugging purposes:



JavaScript Exceptions

When parsing invalid Xml in automation scripts, JavaScript Exceptions are caught by try catch in JavaScript:

        // load invalid XML
        var doc = server.Xml.Load( '<a> ... <' );
        // handle error

Console Debugging

Server-side errors are displayed by the developer tools. During development and testing phases, developers are able to track errors raised on the server-side directly in the browser's Developer Tools.

Example browser developer tools to use for debugging automation scripts:

The error output displayed in the Console is particularly useful when raising issues. Include the error output in the issue description to provide a complete overview of the error and reduce the investigation time.

Console debugging can be used only on development machines and in testing environments.