Create Custom Search Forms

To create a custom search data form based on input fields, search button and list results, follow these steps:

  1. On the UI template (UI tab)of the journey / journey step, add a data form container and a button element to the HTML source code:
  2. Copy

    <div id="searchAccount" style="display: inline-block; width: 80%;"></div>
    <div id="BtnId" style="cursor: pointer; color: white; border: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    background: #25a4dc; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding: 3px; width: 125px;
    height: 100%; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-left: 15px;">Search</div>    
  3. On the form driven flow, click the Advanced tab, then click the After Events section and provide the code to generate the search.  
    /Generate search data form based on a custom data form (AccountSearch) with only one input field 
    $("#searchAccount").html("<div id="searchAccountForm" display: inline-block;"></div>");
    var formData = {
            entityName: "account",
            formName: "AccountSearch",
           mode: "insert",
            name: "searchAccountForm",
            mainHtmlId: "searchAccountForm",
            disableControlNavigation: true,
            noRenderIntent: true
    ebs.generateForm(formData, function(e) {
    //Generate grid
    var fetchResults = new Object();
    fetchResults.entity = new Object(); = "TestEntity";
    fetchResults.entity.alias = "base";
    var viewResults = new Object();
    viewResults.fetch = fetchResults;
    viewResults.viewName = "default";
    var afterGenerateCallback = function (e) {
        var gridId = "AccountResult";
        var dataGrid = $("#" + gridId).dxDataGrid("instance");
        dataGrid.option("paging",{pageSize: 10});
        dataGrid.option("onSelectionChanged", function (g) {
            if (g.selectedRowsData != null && g.selectedRowsData.length > 0) {
                $.each(g.selectedRowsData, function(index,value) {
                    currentAccountName = value.base_Name;
    ebs.generateGrid("AccountResult", viewResults, "auto", {}, afterGenerateCallback, { 
    selectionMode: "single" });
    //search function and grid refresh as search result
    var onClickSearch = function() {
        var where = {
          type: "and",
          conditionlist: []
        var productName = ebs.getFormAttributeValue("searchAccountForm","Name");
        if (productName !== null && productName !== "") {
                first: "base.Name",
                type: "contains",
                second: "val(%" + productName + "%)"
        if (where.conditionlist.length == 0) where = null;
        var fetch = $("body").data("AccountResultmyData_dxquery").fetch;
        fetch.where = 
    //new updated fetch
        $("#AccountResult").dxDataGrid("instance").option("dataSource", ebs.getDataStore(ebs.
    getEbsDataUrl(), fetch));