Serving User Journeys in a Specific Language

The platform enables you to serve a B2C digital journey in a specific language, that is, the digital journey can be started in a specific language.

For a B2C journey to be started on a specific language, the language should exist in the system and the resources should be localized in that language. For more information on how to add a language and details on localization resources, see Localization.

You have two options to set up a digital journey to start in a specific language:

  • Add the culture query parameter to the proxy URL. For instance, to launch a digital journey in Romanian: https://proxyurl?culture=ro-RO
  • Configure the FTOS Reverse Proxy by setting the culture. To do so, In the FTOS Reverse Proxy installation folder, find the proxy/proxy.config.js file and add the output.query property.
  • Copy
    //the output refers to the __FintechOS B2C Application__
    output.query += "?culture=ro-RO#/userjourney/claimNotification/insert/data form/b2cUJ";

Once users launch the digital journey, records are automatically added in FintechOS Studio to the B2C External Process entity and FintechOS engineers will be able to see the culture in which the digital journey has been started.