Adding Users

To add a new user, follow these steps:

  1. From the menu, click Security > System Users. The System Users List page appears.
  2. At the top-right corner of the page, click the Insert icon. The Add System User page appears.
  3. In the appropriate fields, provide the user credentials the user will use to log into the platform (Username, Password, Confirm Password).
  4. From the Business Unit drop-down, select the business unit to which the user belongs to.
  5. NOTE  Root is an important business unit that comes by default with FintechOS. A user configured under the root business unit can see all the records of the entities based on granted access rights.
  6. Select the System User Type by selecting from existing user types or insert new ones based on your needs.
  7. If you want the user to have full access privileges within the platform (Admin user), tick the Is Administrator checkbox.
  8. Activate the user by ticking the Is Authorized checkbox.
  9. At the top-right corner of the page, click the Save and reload icon. The Edit System User page appears.
  10. From the Security Roles Role section, define the role assignment by clicking the Insert existing button and selecting the desired security role. A user can have multiple role assignments. The user will have the access privileges and the level of access as defined by the security items within the selected security roles.
  11. At the top-right corner of the page, click the Save and close icon to save the user updates.

You will have to pass the credentials to users and recommend them to change the password at first login.