Importing Digital Assets

To achieve a task, you may need to import a digital asset on your environment. This is often the case when distributing applications that are based on a digital asset.


  • Check the minimum required version of the package and the version of the Innovation Studio.
  • Check the dependencies of other digital assets.
  • Make sure the digital asset status is not obsolete.

How to Import a Digital Asset

  1. Log in to Innovation Studio in developer mode.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration Management menu entry. From there, select the Deployment child menu.
  3. Click the Deployment Packages submenu. The Deployment Package List page is displayed.
  4. On the top right-hand side corner, click on the Import deployment package icon. The local File explorer window opens. Select from the local drive the file you with to import.
  5. A new form is launched where the xml summary is displayed and you can indicate the digital solution.
  6. Use the deployment package's embedded digital solution (display xml OPIS within brackets - digital solution name, apps included) or, to use an existing digital solution on that environment, select it from a drop-down list, or create a new digital solution.
  7. Confirm the digital solution selection and click Import to start the job.

The system checks the deployment package metadata and if no errors occur, the metadata is successfully added into the database.

If the are any errors, the system displays a toast message with the reason why the package could not be imported. To see the warnings, consult the log of the selected deployment package. For more information, see Viewing Deployment Package Logs.

On import, the system checks the package hash to see if the package content has been altered. If so, the import may still proceed with a warning (which is logged in Deployment Package Import Log), or it may be denied and the package will not be imported (an error is logged that the package content was altered).

The following messages may be displayed by the system on import:

Field Status
A newer application is already installed Error
Application will be upgraded Warning
New Passed
You cannot upgrade an obsolete application Error
Existing platform version is lower than minimum platform version required Error