Creating Endpoints
Endpoints specify the location from which FintechOS APIs can access specific on-demand server automation.
You can add an endpoint, attach security roles, attach an automation script to it, then on digital journeys or data forms run a call action to it.
You can add endpoints either from the from Endpoints List page, or from the Edit Server Automation Script page, Endpoints section by clicking the Insert button. The Script field will be prefilled with the name of the automation script for which you create the endpoint.
1 Create an endpoint
This section describes how to add an endpoint from the Endpoints page:
- From the menu, click Advanced > Endpoints. The Endpoints List page appears.
- At the top-right corner of the page, click the Insert icon. The Add Endpoint page appears.
- In the Name field type the name of the endpoint which will be used by the system.
- In the Display Name field, type the name of the endpoint which will be displayed on the button in the user interface.
- (Optional) If you are working with actions groups, in the Action Group field, select the desired action group you have previously created. For more information on action groups, see Defining Action Groups.
- From the Script drop-down, select the on-demand automation script you previously created.
- If the endpoint is set on a form's action group, when the action group is triggered in the user interface, you can save the form's data before the action group is executed by ticking the Executes Save checkbox.
- At the top-right corner of the page, click the Save and close icon to save the endpoint or Save and reload to attach a security role to the endpoint.
You can now go to the digital journey or data form and run a call action to the server automation script.
2 Attach a security role to an endpoint
To enforce security, you can choose which security roles have the privileges to call actions on an endpoint.
When calling actions on endpoints which have no security roles attached, errors will occur and the actions will not be performed.
For backwards compatibility, the security role “Registered Users“ is automatically added to all endpoints created in previous versions of Innovation Studio.
The security role “Registered Users“ that is automatically added to all endpoints created in previous versions of Innovation Studio does not ensure the backwards compatibility for unauthenticated portals. In this case, you need to manually configure or import the security roles assignment.
To attach a security role to an endpoint:
- Go to the endpoint configuration page (Edit Endpoint page), scroll down to the SECURITY ROLES section and click the Insert existing button. A window appears which lists all defined security roles.
- Select one from the list by double-clicking on it or add a new security role (click the Insert button and provide all details required to create a new security role). The selected security role appears in the SECURITY ROLES section.
- At the top-right corner of the page, click the Save and close icon to save the endpoint.