Entity versioning

Entity versioning allows you to implement a record update process that is certified and documented. The versioning process uses the Business Workflows Processor to assign different states to a record indicating if it is:

  • a draft that hasn't been approved yet
  • the currently active version of the record
  • a discontinued prior version
  • a substitute version that is a candidate to replace the currently active version.

The entity versioning process is illustrated below.

  1. The original record starts out in a Draft state.
  2. Once the draft is validated, the record goes into the Approved state, indicating that this it is the currently active version of the record.
    Only one version of the record can be active (in the Approved) state at one time.
  3. To modify an active record, you need to create a secondary version of it. The secondary version starts out in the Version Draft state, while the original record remains in the Approved state.
  4. If the version draft is approved, then the original record transitions into the Version Closed state and the secondary version becomes the Approved currently active entity record.
  5. The process can then be repeated from step 3 whenever a new version of the record is necessary.

Entity versioning is useful when you need a thorough validation and tracking of your record updates, such as when storing information about security roles or customer documents.