The Policy Administration module enables you to store and manage a virtually unlimited number of digital policies. Use Policies when you want to see all the policies stored in your environment. It is also here where you see the latest Policies generated into your system. However, for an in depth analysis of your portfolio, use Policies Report to extract the needed data.
Term Life policies are also displayed in the list, once these are generated through the Policy Generation API.
To access the repository and view the registered policies, in FintechOS Portal, go to Main Menu > Policy Admin > Policies. The list of all existing policies records is displayed as per below.
The policy issuance process represents the main Policy Administration functionality through which the insurance contracts are generated within the core system, laying the basis for other Policy Administration flows. This functionality involves an end-to-end process that starts from the generation of an initial Policy through a specific endpoint, is updated through an update endpoint, and then reaches the InForce status, according to the period of validity.
The policy issuance endpoint creates a connection between the core system and various external systems - such as websites, apps and other digital channels that you use in order to reach out to customers. Once the integration with another system that sends in customer data is obtained, Policy Administration generates a policy according to the received information.
Within this endpoint, a policy generation object is structured to collect the necessary policy related information through the integration with an external system. Following the request made, the response body issues into the system the new data specific to the policy, in addition to those obtained during the data collection from a given external system.
For more details go to the Policy Generation API page.