Insurance Parameters and Scheduled Jobs

The following flow parameters and scheduled jobs are used with the Policy Administration solution.

1 Flow Parameters

Parameter Name Policy Automatically Withdraw
Details Type: Integer; Code: PWDAY
Component Policy Admin
Correlated with FTOS_INSPA_Policy_AutomaticallyWithdraw scheduled job



This parameter sets the Automatically Withdrawal Day of a policy after a number of days since the First Installment on that policy moved to Unpaid status.
When the parameter is fulfilled, the policy is transitioned to Withdraw status.


Parameter Name maturityNotification
Details Type: Integer; Code: MTN
Component Policy Admin, Notifications
Correlated with N/A



This parameter sets the number of days for notifying the policy Maturity status to the policy holder, after the policy reaches that specific status.
For example: 5 days after the policy reaches Maturity status, a maturity notification is sent to the contract holder informing that the policy reached its end date.


Parameter Name Days After Unpaid Due Date
Details Type: Integer; Code: NDBR
Component Policy Admin, Billing & Collection
Correlate with FTOS_PA_PolicyLapsed scheduled job




This parameter sets the number of days after an unpaid installment’s due date, registered on a policy. When the DAUDD parameter is fulfilled, the policy is transitioned to Lapsed status.
For example: the Lapsing Day of a policy is triggered after the passing of the chosen number of days since the Last Installment on that policy moved to Unpaid status.


Parameter Name No of Days Before Renewal
Details Type: Integer; Code: NDBR
Component Policy Admin
Correlated with FTOS_PA_PolicyRenewal scheduled job




This parameter correlates the starting date of the Renewal process with a given number of days before the End Date of a policy.
For example: it is required to start the Renewal process within 5 days before policy reaching its End Date. As a result the parameter is set to 5 days.

2 Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled jobs are automated procedures that perform certain tasks, running at a specific time or on a recurring schedule. Read detailed information about scheduling jobs in the Innovation Studio User Guide's dedicated page.

The following scheduled jobs are available with Policy Administration: