FintechOS Platform

November 12th, 2021

This release improves the data export options for data views and grid reports. It also enables the Core DPA Platform job servers to run in the same web app on Azure environments.

What's New

Display Loading Graphics for Large Grid Reports

When generating simple grid reports with large data sets, a waiting animation is displayed in the user interface while the report is extracted.

Export Views in CSV and PDF Format

In addition to Excel, you can now export data views as PDFs or CSVs (with custom formatting).

A Digital Document Id field has been added to the data view editor allowing you to use a digital document as a template for the exported PDF (see the Digital Documents Processor documentation for more information).

For more information about data view exports, see the Innovation Studio User Guide.

Export Simple Grid Reports in CSV Format

A new report render format has been added for simple grid reports which allows you to create CSV reports with custom formatting for headers, separators, dates, and text qualifiers.

For more information, see the Innovation Studio User Guide.

Deploy Multiple Job Servers in the Same Azure AppService

A JobHostName key has been added to the FTOS.JobServer.AzureWebJob.exe.config configuration file, enabling you to set up the host name for each of your job servers (main job server, Message Composer, and OCB message bus).

<add key="JobHostName" value="" />

Assign different host names (all in small caps) to your jobs servers to run multiple job servers on the same AppService.

For more information, see the Core DPA Platform Administration Guide.

Fixed Issues

No. Summary Module
FSD-12327 When calling a business formula from an automation script, sometimes a formula compilation exception occured. Innovation Studio
FSD-12310 Sometimes, when adding custom fonts to a FintechOS Portal custom theme, an unhandled exception related to an unallowed virtual path caused a FintechOS Portal server error. Innovation Studio, FintechOS Portal
FSD-11930 Running multiple job server instances on the same Azure AppService caused job server errors.
For details, see Deploy Multiple Job Servers in the Same Azure AppService.
Core DPA Platform
n/a On Azure environments, job servers could not be deployed as a web app. You no longer need to bypass this limitation by using a virtual machine instead.
For details, see Deploy Multiple Job Servers in the Same Azure AppService.
Core DPA Platform
FSD-11073 Calling the server.b2c.sessionId property repeatedly under heavy workloads triggered a CLR exception.
The error could not be reproduced on test environments. An improvement has been made to logging the server.b2c.sessionId related errors to allow further investigation.
Server SDK
FSD-12266, FSD-12371 On Microsoft Azure environments, if the file-type upload control was enabled (the feature.upload.filetype-check web.config key set to true), attempting to upload a CSV file was always rejected, even if the CSV file type was white listed via the FileUploadWhiteList web.config key. Core DPA Platform

Known Issues

Summary Module
During the OCR process done with Computer Vision on a device with Andriod 11, the screen freezes after the photo is taken on screens smaller than 6 inches.

As a workaround, if the user scrolls on the screen so that the address bar is no longer visible, then the bug does not reproduce and they can advance to the next step.

In addition, use the following code snippet to eliminate the issue:
html, body {

    height: 100%;

#ebsContainer {

    height: 100%;

    overflow-y: auto;

.main-container {

    height: 100%;

    overflow-y: auto;
Innovation Studio and FintechOS Portal
Plugin assemblies must be copied and pasted in the PortalPluginStore\AddIns folder after import in FintechOS Studio in order to be functional. Innovation Studio
The Save Changes prompt does not appear when the Insert button is clicked. Innovation Studio and FintechOS Portal
Inline editing in views doesn’t work if the view columns are created with attribute aliases from the fetch. FintechOS Portal