FintechOS Platform 20.1.11

January 14th, 2021

Benefit from the option to receive notifications for the Mobile Launcher and the various fixes brought with this release.

What's New

Mobile Launcher Send notifications for IOS

Available with this version of FintechOS Platform, for the Mobile Launcher Cordova, the platform sends a message to Azure Notification Hubs, and Azure sends the message to the launcher containing the available property content equal to 1 to wake the app to display the number of unread notifications.

Fixed Issues


Summary Module


When rendering a report, with the floating style dashboard, the grey bar was displayed in other menu as well. FintechOS Studio


In a custom flow placed in the FintechOS Portal as a shortcut, the external URL could not be accessed. FintechOS StudioFintechOS Portal


The tools FtosPkgDeployer and FtosSysPkgDeployer exported xml files with the wrong coding and then preceded not to import them due to the wrong coding.

FintechOS Platform


When importing a package with a new entity to an environment with the primary attribute name having different lenght from 100, the field imported had the default value of 100.

FintechOS Studio


Inserting the wrong username and password caused a break in the FintechOS Platform and FintechOS Portal. FintechOS Studio, FintechOS Portal


The function convertImage () converting an image to PDF rendered an extra blank paragraph.

FintechOS Studio


For non-administrator users, with developer security role, the Analytics menu displayed sub-menus only visible to administrator.

FintechOS Studio


Using the postman to create a request (GET) for method SendResetPassword, containing the username and linkReset and siteName, in the JSON object received containing the ''to'' and ''from'' were identically.

FintechOS Studio


When creating a report, by changing the report type from ''Custom report'' to ''Document'' the fields rendered were not corresponding to the type selected.

FintechOS Studio


For the environments with the Azure Active Directory Authentication integration and AD domains with trust connection between them, the user could connect to the domain on the server, not to the others.

FintechOS Studio


In the FintechOS Portal, a user could access manually the link to the Entity_BW, where there were the ''Insert'' and ''Delete'' buttons to add and remove records from that entity.

FintechOS Portal


The invariant date attribute rendered 24 hours prior to date UTC - 02:00 Coordinated Universal Time-02.

FintechOS Studio

Known Issues

Summary Module
The replacement string font size parameter in the replaceTokens server side function is ignored.

FintechOS Studio

EL Pipes – Sometimes, when setting up connections that require TLS authentication, the following error message may be displayed: "Failure! You must enable TLS or login from the local machine to authenticate with this site.".
  1. Log in to your local server.
  2. Open the connections page of the CData Sync Admin Console in a web browser (http://localhost:8019/connections.rst).
  3. Set up the connection from the admin console.
FintechOS Studio
Accessing an entity with no default form displays a loading animation, with no error message. FintechOS Portal
Form Driven Flows – Virtual attributes are available in flow control rules expressions only after a Save & Reload. FintechOS Studio
The loading animation is displayed in FintechOS Portal when the user triggers imported code that doesn’t have ";" before the return statement. FintechOS Portal/Deployment Packages
Plugin assemblies must be copied and pasted in the PortalPluginStore\AddIns folder after import in FintechOS Studio in order to be functional. FintechOS Studio
The Save Changes prompt does not appear when the Insert button is clicked. FintechOS Studio and FintechOS Portal
Inline editing in views doesn’t work if the view columns are created with attribute aliases from the fetch. FintechOS Portal
Titles are displayed in dashboard widgets when the "Show Ttitle" option is disabled. FintechOS Portal
Views – Code before the return statement in the Fetch Object Expression must end with ";" when generating the view columns. Otherwise FintechOS Portal will crash when displaying the view. FintechOS Portal and FintechOS Studio

Before Importing on an environment delete the records from VersionLockedEntities so that the import won’t fail in first import.

FintechOS Platform