Configure the Storage for Custom Files Folders

Custom files are used to customize portal profiles, allowing you to change the appearance of theFintechOS Portal instances. They contain resources such as stylesheets, JavaScript files, or images that determine the look-and-feel of the FintechOS Portal.

These resources are grouped into two main folders: custom and custom-on-demand (which is used mainly for the liveness component resources). They are hosted using Azure Blob storage containers.

Configure the Storage for the Custom Folder

  1. By default, a private container named custom should be set up in your Azure storage account. If you don't have one or if you wish to use a different container, create a new container.
  2. In the Configuration Manager, edit the following key:
    Key PathKey NameKey Value
      "ConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myAccountName;AccountKey=myAccountKey==;",
      "RootContainerName": "custom"


    • connectionString is the connection string the platform is using to connect to an Azure Blob container;
    • rootContainer is the root container name where the custom files will be stored (by default custom).
    The connection string can be obtained in Azure from the Access Keys section of the storage account.

Edit the key in both FintechOS Studio and Portal Configuration Manager environments. If the key is not found the platform will fallback to a local file storage rooted in <applicationRoot>\custom folder.

Configure the Storage for the Custom-on-Demand Folder

  1. By default, a private container named custom-on-demand should be set up in your Azure storage account. If you don't have one or if you wish to use a different container, create a new container.
  2. In the Configuration Manager, edit the following key:
    Key PathKey NameKey Value
      "ConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myAccountName;AccountKey=myAccountKey==;",
      "RootContainerName": "custom-on-demand"


    • connectionString is the connection string the platform is using to connect to an Azure Blob container;
    • rootContainer is the root container name where the custom files will be stored (by default custom-on-demand).
    The connection string can be obtained in Azure from the Access Keys section of the storage account.

Edit the key in both FintechOS Studio and Portal Configuration Manager environments. If the key is not found the platform will fallback to a local file storage rooted in <applicationRoot>\custom-on-demand folder.