API Configuration

The configuration keys for the FintechOS Platform APIs are stored in the Configuration Manager at the <kvSecretsEngine>/<environmentName>/<apiAppName> path. Here, you can use the following secrets to configure the APIs.


  "CachingTimeoutMinutes": "60",
  "FtosPortalUrl": "https://www.myDomain.com/portal/api/",
  "HttpRetryCounts": "3",
  "HttpRetryInitialDelaySeconds": "1",
  "HttpTimeoutSeconds": "120",
  "IdentityProvider": "Keycloak",
  "LogRequestsAndResponses": "false"
Key Path Key Name Key Value
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi CachingTimeoutMinutes Sliding timeout in minutes for cached entity metadata and actions. If no endpoints have been accessed for the designated number of minutes, new requests will be sent to the platform to retrieve entity metadata and actions information. (This is also when the endpoints for new entities will be rendered in the swagger definition)
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi FtosPortalUrl Should point to <environmentName>/<portalName>/api.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi HttpRetryCounts Number of retry attempts if the API request fails with a 5xx or 408 status code. Default: 3.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi HttpRetryInitialDelaySeconds Number of seconds between retry attempts. Default: 1.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi HttpTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for API requests.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi IdentityProvider
  • Keycloak - Authentication via Keycloak JWT tokens. If selected, you must also configure the KeycloakApi secret.
  • Ebs - (Deprecated) Legacy Ebs authentication using access tokens. If selected, you must also configure the EbsCoreApi (deprecated) secret.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi LogRequestsAndResponses
  • true - Logs API and platform (Portal) requests and responses if the minimum severity level for logged messages is set to Info (see Observability).
  • false - Default. Disables API logging.
API logging has a significant impact on performance. It should only be used for debugging purposes.


The KeycloakApi secret must be configured if the kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/FtosOpenApi/IdentityProvider key is set to Keycloak.

  "Audience": "account",
  "ClientId": "admin-portal",
  "ClientSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "HttpRetryCounts": "3",
  "HttpRetryInitialDelaySeconds": "1",
  "HttpTimeoutSeconds": "30",
  "Password": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "RealmUrl": "https://www.myDomain.com/auth/realms/fintechOSrealm",
  "UserName": "host"
Key Path Key Name Key Value
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/KeycloakApi Audience The claim aud or Audience extends from the JWT specification defined under RFC-7519. It allows the consuming party to validate if a particular JWT is meant for them or not.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/KeycloakApi RealmUrl Keycloak realm URL.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/KeycloakApi HttpTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for the Keycloak JWT token request.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/KeycloakApi HttpRetryCounts Number of retry attempts if the Keycloak request fails with a 5xx or 408 status code. Default: 3.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/KeycloakApi HttpRetryInitialDelaySeconds Number of seconds between retry attempts. Default: 1.
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/KeycloakApi UserName, Password, ClientId, ClientSecret, GrantType Credentials for the Keycloak JWT token retrieval.

EbsCoreApi (deprecated)

This type of authentication is deprecated as it has been replaced with JWT-based authentication via the FintechOS Identity Provider. This information is provided only for backward compatibility.

The EbsCoreAPI secret must be configured if the kv/<environment>/FtosOpenApi/IdentityProvider key is set to EbsCoreApi.

    "AdminClientId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "AdminUser": "username",
    "AdminPassword": "password"
Key Path Key Name Key Value
kv/<environment>/<apiAppName>/EbsCoreApi AdminClientId, AdminUser, AdminPassword. Credentials used to retrieve the API access token from the GetToken endpoint. Using this token, entity data is then dynamically loaded in order to generate the OpenAPI/Swagger definition.