In FintechOS, access to specific resources (authorization) is done via security role-based access which enables you to
- Protect information from being mishandled by users.
- Ensure that users have access to information based on business need to know.
This section covers platforms’ critical aspects of segregation of duties and data ownership.
Security Roles
Users with elevated privileges (admin users) can control data access by setting up the organizational structure to protect sensitive data and configuring various organization layers to allow communication, collaboration or reporting.
To set up the organizational structure, they need to create the business units, security roles, and assign users the appropriate security roles to map the job-related responsibilities with the required level of access privileges within the platform.
You can grant even more granular access privileges in FintechOS, by associating security roles to digital journeys, digital journey steps, business workflows, dashboards, endpoints and DB tasks. The data is automatically filtered based on the privileges and level of access defined within the security role via the security items.
The lowest level of access privileges you can grant to users in FintechOS is on attribute level. You can choose if a specific attribute (field) is to be mandatory, recommended or optional, by selecting the desired option from the Required Level drop-down:
- None – The field is optional. No error message will be displayed if the field is empty.
- Recommended – A blue dot will be displayed on the upper-left corner of the field in the user interface to indicate that it might be useful to fill in the field.
- Required - A red dot will be displayed on the upper-left corner of the field in the user interface to indicate that it is a mandatory field. The end user will not be able to add a new record if the field will be left blank.
- You can only add required attributes to entities which have no records (empty entities), so if you try adding a required attribute to an entity for which you already have required attributes stored within the database, you'll receive an error message.
- You can add required attributes without creating constraints in the database, from entity form/digital journey configuration page, Advanced tab > After Events tab, by providing a code in the JavaScript field and the capabilities of field options.
For information on how create security roles and how to provide granular access to entities, digital journeys and dashboards, see the Innovation Studio User Guide.
Data Ownership
In FintechOS, data ownership is given by the security roles, which allows you to manage complex scenarios of access privileges and the level of access.
Admin users are the ones who can define the organizational structure, create users and assign the security roles according to the business need-to-know, inline with their job responsibilities.
The information presented in the user menu and the actions a user is able to perform are aligned with the security roles assigned.
For information on how create the organizational structure, add users and assign security roles, see the Innovation Studio User Guide, section Security.