Send Notifications for Locked Accounts or Password Resets

To set up the notifications users receive when their account is locked (after reaching the maximum number of failed login attempts) or when they need to reset their passwords, on the server where the FintechOS platform resides, go to the web.config file and add the following settings:

        <section name="ebsAuthProvider" type="EBS.Core.Authentication.Common.Configuration.EBSAuthProviderConfig, EBS.Core.Authentication.Common"/>
                <channel name="myChannel" channelProvider="channelProvider" communicationChannel="communicationChannel"/>
                <type enabled="true" name="UserLockedOutOnLastLogin" messageTemplate="messageTemplate" from="">
                        <supportedChannel name="myChannel"/>
                <type enabled="true" name="UserResetPasswordEmail" messageTemplate="messageTemplate" from="">
                        <supportedChannel name="myChannel"/>

The notifications are set by configuring the ebsAuthProvider section with the communication channels and templates used to send the locked account and password reset messages.


Defines the communication channels available for sending notifications. For each channel, you can configure the following settings:

Setting Description
name Name used to identify the channel used to send notifications.
channelProvider Provider used by the communication channel, such as GatewayEmailOTP or FTOSApiSms. Its value must be the Name of one of the records from FTOS_DPA_ChannelProvider entity.
communicationChannel The type of channel by which the notification will be sent. Its value must be the Name of one of the records from FTOS_DPA_CommunicationChannel entity.
Currently, only email and SMS communication channels are supported. More channel types may be added in the future.

Custom email providers

If you wish to use an automation script to send your notifications via a custom email processor, configure the communication channel based on the following model:

    <channel name="Email_With_AutomationScript" channelProvider="CustomEmailProvider" communicationChannel="Email">
            <property name="AutomationScriptName" value="myAutomationScript"/>

Where myAutomationScript is the name of the automation script that will process the notification message. The automation script's context.Data object will include a data structure called emailInfo, which you can use for your custom processing:

"Data": {
    "emailInfo": {
      "from": "",
      "to": "",
      "cc": null,
      "bcc": null,
      "body": "email body",
      "subject": "email subject"


Defines the types of notification that will be sent automatically to the users. For each notification type, you can configure the following settings:

Setting Description
enabled true/false. Activates or deactivates the notification type.
  • UserLockedOutOnLastLogin - Notify the user after reaching the maximum number of failed login attempts.

  • UserResetPasswordEmail - Send the user a message with the password reset link.

messageTemplate Content template used for the notification message. For information on how to work with personalized content templates, see the Hyper-Personalization Automation User Guide.
Depending on the type of notification, you can insert the following tokens in the content template:
  • UserLockedOutOnLastLogin - {{user_display_name}} and {{application_name}}. For example:
    The user {{user_display_name}} was blocked for {{application_name}}. Too many login attempts.
  • UserResetPasswordEmail - {{user_display_name}} and {{password_reset_link}}. For example:
    Hello {{user_display_name}}. Use the following link to reset your password: {{password_reset_link}}.
from Default email sender address or telephone number from which the notification was sent.
supportedChannels Communication channels available for sending the notifications (based on the entries defined in the communicationChannels section).
If the user has a preferred communication channel configured, the notification uses the first matching supported channel. If there is no such supported channel, the first supported channel that is enabled is used instead.