Data Model

Mobile Retail Onboarding has the following data model.

To download the diagram, click here.

Attribute Display Name Type Description
userId User Lookup The current user or the owner of the entity record.
createdByUserId Created by user Lookup The user who inserted that record.
modifiedByUserId Modified by user Lookup The user who made the last updates on the entity record.
businessUnitId Business Unit Lookup The business unit associated with the attribute userId. It is the business unit of the user. Fk to ebs_FTOS_BNKAP_Application_businessunit.
createdOn Created On Date Time The date and time when the entity was created.
modifiedOn Modified On Date Time The date and time when the entity was updated.
entityStatusId Status Lookup The status of the entity record. Fk toebs_FTOS_BNKAP_Application_entitystatus.