Configuring the Digital Flow Processing
This menu part of Innovation Studio is used to build processors used in the journey for specific actions that are triggered such as Face Recognition and Computer Vision and contact validation. It is easy to modify any parameter of the processor by accessing the dedicated processor settings and changing the value from the key-value pair.
Access Studio > Digital Experience > Digital Experience > Digital Flow Processing > RetailMortgage.
It contains the settings for the maximum number of applicants allowed, the currency for the mortgage, the property values used for the Configuring the Banking Product Factory, the citizenship & age interval needed for eligibility, the period type for income/spendings.
"maxNoOfApplicants": 2,
"defaultCurrencyCode": "GBP",
"defaultCurrencySymbol": "£",
"defaultPeriod": 300,
"minEstimatedPropertyValue": 10000,
"maxEstimatedPropertyValue": 15000000,
"stepEstimatedPropertyValue": 1000,
"defaultEstimatedPropertyValue": 300000,
"stepDownPayment": 1000,
"allowedResidenceCountries": ["United Kindom"],
"minAge": 18,
"maxAge": 150,
"periodType": "months"
These are the settings for the Contact Validation using a one-time-password generated within Studio. You can modify the settings for both email and SMS validation such as number of digits the code has, the maximum number of retries, the interval the code is valid for.
"SourceEntityName" : "RetailApplicantData",
"Channels": [
"Name": "Sms",
"RelatedEntityName": "RetailApplicantData",
"RelatedAttribute": "mobilePhone",
"LookupAttribute": "RetailApplicantDataid",
"OTPDigitsNumber": 4,
"MaxRetry": 5,
"MaxResendRetry": 5,
"MaxResendRetryIntervalSeconds": 60
"Name": "Email",
"RelatedEntityName": "RetailApplicantData",
"RelatedAttribute": "email",
"LookupAttribute": "RetailApplicantDataid",
"OTPDigitsNumber": 4,
"MaxRetry": 5,
"MaxResendRetry": 5,
"MaxResendRetryIntervalSeconds": 120
"ValidTimeIntervalMinutes": 3,
"maskNextStepURLChanged": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageContactInfo",
"section": "Contact Info"
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageContactInfo",
"section": "Redirect"
"maskNextStepURLFail": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageContactInfo",
"section": "Fail"
"businessWorkflow": {
"entity": "FTOS_BASME_Loan",
"bwAttribute": "corporateLoanId",
"successStatus": "",
"failedStatus": ""
These are the settings for the types of documents available for the customer to upload.
"documents": [
"category": "Address",
"type": [
"Household utility bill",
"Any bank correspondence quoting an account number",
"Any revenue correspondence",
"Social welfare document quoting the policy number",
"Littlewood's correspondence quoting an account number"
"minDoc": 2
"category": "Income",
"type": [
"Current account statement",
"Pay Slip",
"Salary cert",
"Statement of earnings"
"minDoc": 1
"category": "Expense",
"type": [
"Ongoing loan documents",
"Other recurring expenditures"
"minDoc": 1
"category": "Solicitor",
"type": [
"Property deeds",
"Property title"
"minDoc": 0
"category": "Insurance",
"type": [
"Insurance policy"
"minDoc": 0
These are the settings for the scanning of the driver's license. You can modify the source entity, editing the image, the mapping of the data, the next steps in case of success or failure, etc.
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"Entities": [
"DestinationEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceLookupDestinationName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantDataid"
"FileAttributeName": "pictureOcr",
"WaitUserConfirmation" : true,
"ShowUploadPhotoButton" : true,
"ShowTakePictureButton" : true,
"RegisterFaceFromOCR" : true,
"SessionExpiredMins" : 15,
"RotateImage" : false,
"CropImage" : false,
"MaxRetry": 5,
"OptionSets": [{
"OptionSetName": "Gender Type",
"MappingName": "Sex",
"OptionSetItems": {
"M": "Male",
"F": "Female"
}, {
"OptionSetName": "Citizenship",
"MappingName": "Nationality",
"OptionSetItems": {
"ROU": "Romanian",
"GBR": "UK"
"LookupEntities": [{
"MappingName": "DistrictCode",
"EntityName": "District",
"AttributeKey": "Code"
}, {
"MappingName": "Country",
"EntityName": "FTOS_CMB_Country",
"AttributeKey": "code"
"Validations": [],
"AvailableDocumentTypes": [{
"type": "IdRom",
"DocumentType": "IdentityCard",
"Country": "RO",
"Provider": "Azure"
}, {
"type": "IdBG",
"DocumentType": "IdentityCard",
"Country": "BG",
"Provider": "Abbyy"
}, {
"type": "Passport",
"DocumentType": "MRZ",
"Provider": "Azure"
}, {
"type": "DrivingLicence",
"DocumentType": "DrivingLicence",
"Provider": "Azure"
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageScanOCR",
"section": "redirect"
"maskNextStepURLFail": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageScanOCR",
"section": "fail"
"DocumentType": "DrivingLicence"
"DocumentsMapping": [{
"type": "DrivingLicence",
"Map": {
"PictureAttribute": "pictureOcr",
"LastName": "lastName",
"GivenName": "firstName",
"DocumentNumber": "IdCardSeries",
"StreetType": "streetType",
"PersonalNumber": "PIN",
"BirthDate": "dateOfBirth",
"PlaceOfBirthBody": "placeOfBirth",
"Address": "fullAddress",
"Sex": "gender",
"Nationality": "citizenshipId",
"Country" : "country",
"DistrictCode": "districtId",
"City": "city",
"Street": "street",
"StreetNo": "streetNo",
"Storey": "floor",
"Stairway": "stairway",
"ApartmentNo": "apartment",
"ApHouse": "buildingNo",
"IssuedBy": "IdIssueInstitution",
"IssuedAt": "IdIssueDate",
"IssuedUntil": "IdExpirationDate",
"IssuingCountry": "cityName"
These are the settings for the scanning of the identity document. You can modify the source entity, editing the image, the mapping of the data, the next steps in case of success or failure, etc.
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"Entities": [
"DestinationEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceLookupDestinationName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantDataid"
"FileAttributeName": "pictureOcr",
"WaitUserConfirmation" : true,
"ShowUploadPhotoButton" : true,
"ShowTakePictureButton" : true,
"RegisterFaceFromOCR" : true,
"SessionExpiredMins" : 15,
"RotateImage" : false,
"CropImage" : false,
"MaxRetry": 5,
"OptionSets": [{
"OptionSetName": "Gender Type",
"MappingName": "Sex",
"OptionSetItems": {
"M": "Male",
"F": "Female"
}, {
"OptionSetName": "Citizenship",
"MappingName": "Nationality",
"OptionSetItems": {
"ROU": "Romanian",
"GBR": "UK"
"LookupEntities": [],
"Validations": [{
"type": "IdROM",
"Validations": "",
"CheckScriptName": "ValidateIdROM"
"AvailableDocumentTypes": [{
"type": "IdRom",
"DocumentType": "IdentityCard",
"Country": "RO",
"Provider": "Azure"
}, {
"type": "IdBG",
"DocumentType": "IdentityCard",
"Country": "BG",
"Provider": "Abbyy"
}, {
"type": "Passport",
"DocumentType": "MRZ",
"Provider": "Azure"
}, {
"type": "DrivingLicence",
"DocumentType": "DrivingLicence",
"Provider": "Azure"
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageScanOCR",
"section": "redirect"
"maskNextStepURLFail": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageScanOCR",
"section": "fail"
"DocumentType": "IdRom"
"DocumentsMapping": [{
"type": "IdRom",
"Map": {
"PictureAttribute": "pictureOcr",
"LastName": "lastName",
"GivenName": "firstName",
"DocumentNumber": "IdCardSeries",
"StreetType": "streetType",
"PersonalNumber": "PIN",
"BirthDate": "dateOfBirth",
"PlaceOfBirthBody": "placeOfBirth",
"Address": "fullAddress",
"Sex": "gender",
"Nationality": "citizenshipId",
"Country" : "country",
"DistrictCode": "districtId",
"City": "city",
"Street": "street",
"StreetNo": "streetNo",
"Storey": "floor",
"Stairway": "stairway",
"ApartmentNo": "apartment",
"ApHouse": "buildingNo",
"IssuedBy": "IdIssueInstitution",
"IssuedAt": "IdIssueDate",
"IssuedUntil": "IdExpirationDate",
"IssuingCountry": "cityName"
These are the settings for the scanning of the passport. You can modify the source entity, editing the image, the number of retries, the mapping of the data, the next steps in case of success or failure, etc.
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"Entities": [
"DestinationEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceLookupDestinationName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantDataid"
"FileAttributeName": "pictureOcr",
"WaitUserConfirmation" : true,
"ShowUploadPhotoButton" : true,
"ShowTakePictureButton" : true,
"RegisterFaceFromOCR" : true,
"SessionExpiredMins" : 15,
"RotateImage" : false,
"CropImage" : false,
"MaxRetry": 5,
"OptionSets": [{
"OptionSetName": "Gender Type",
"MappingName": "Sex",
"OptionSetItems": {
"M": "Male",
"F": "Female"
}, {
"OptionSetName": "Citizenship",
"MappingName": "Nationality",
"OptionSetItems": {
"ROU": "Romanian",
"GBR": "UK"
"LookupEntities": [{
"MappingName": "DistrictCode",
"EntityName": "District",
"AttributeKey": "Code"
}, {
"MappingName": "Country",
"EntityName": "FTOS_CMB_Country",
"AttributeKey": "code"
"Validations": [],
"AvailableDocumentTypes": [{
"type": "IdRom",
"DocumentType": "IdentityCard",
"Country": "RO",
"Provider": "Azure"
}, {
"type": "IdBG",
"DocumentType": "IdentityCard",
"Country": "BG",
"Provider": "Abbyy"
}, {
"type": "Passport",
"DocumentType": "MRZ",
"Provider": "Azure"
}, {
"type": "DrivingLicence",
"DocumentType": "DrivingLicence",
"Provider": "Azure"
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageScanOCR",
"section": "redirect"
"maskNextStepURLFail": {
"entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageScanOCR",
"section": "fail"
"DocumentType": "Passport"
"DocumentsMapping": [{
"type": "Passport",
"Map": {
"PictureAttribute": "pictureOcr",
"LastName": "lastName",
"GivenName": "firstName",
"DocumentNumber": "IdCardSeries",
"StreetType": "streetType",
"PersonalNumber": "PIN",
"BirthDate": "dateOfBirth",
"PlaceOfBirthBody": "placeOfBirth",
"BirthCountryBody": "birthCountry",
"Address": "fullAddress",
"Sex": "gender",
"DistrictCode": "DistrictId",
"Nationality": "citizenshipId",
"City": "CityId",
"Street": "StreetName",
"StreetNo": "StreetNo",
"Storey": "FloorNo",
"Stairway": "Stairway",
"ApartmentNo": "ApartmentNo",
"ApHouse": "BuildingNo",
"IssuedBy": "IdIssueInstitution",
"IssuedAt": "IdIssueDate",
"IssuedUntil": "IdExpirationDate",
"IssuingCountry": "issuingCountry"
Processor Setting for Liveness
These are the settings for the liveness processor where you can change the maximum number of retries, the minimum acceptance for the confidence score, the next steps for success and failure of the selfie.
"isLiveness": true,
"DestinationEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceLookupDestinationName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantDataid",
"FileAttributeName": "pictureOcr",
"MaxRetry": 5,
"MinimumAcceptedConfidence": 0.2,
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": {"entity":"FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData", "form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageSelfie","section":"Success" },
"maskNextStepURLFail": {"entity":"FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData", "form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageSelfie","section":"Fail" },
"businessStatusSuccess": "",
"businessStatusFail": ""
These are the settings for the generation of the OTP for signing the final contract for the mortgage request. Here you can modify the maximum number of retries, the file, the text of the SMS, the next steps in case of success and failure.
"EntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"FileAttributeNameList": [
"fileAttributeName": "contract",
"fileToBeSignedName": "finalContract.pdf"
"MaxRetry": 3,
"daysUntilExpire": 1,
"signedDocumentName": "retailContract",
"WebhookUrl": "{FTOSHook}/49dae9c6-fab9-4c80-a843-eed5709b36c9?envelopeId=##&action=envelopeFinished",
"WebhookStatusUrl": "{FTOSHook}/49dae9c6-fab9-4c80-a843-eed5709b36c9?envelopeId=##&action=envelopeFinished",
"SignatureSteps" : [
"order": "1",
"signatureTag": "#333#",
"signatureTypeTemplate": "",
"signatureType": "OTPSign",
"signatureCoordinates": [
"fileAttributeName": "contract",
"pageNumber": 5,
"x": 300,
"y": 80
"SignatureData": [
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceLookupDestinationName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantDataid",
"DefaultFields": {
"languageCode": "EN",
"documentType": ""
"MappedFields": {
"languageCode": "",
"documentType": "",
"email": "email",
"phoneMobile": "mobilePhone",
"firstName": "firstName",
"lastName": "lastName",
"documentIssuedBy": "",
"socialSecurityNumber": "PIN",
"documentExpiryDate": "",
"documentIssuedOn": "",
"documentNumber": ""
"OptionSets": "",
"LookupEntities": ""
"SourceEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"SourceLookupDestinationName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantDataid",
"DefaultFields": {
"countryResidence": ""
"MappedFields": {
"countryResidence": ""
"OptionSets": "",
"LookupEntities": ""
"smsText": "Agreement for signing the document through digital certification, transaction code: {tId}",
"smsConfiguration": {
"Text": "Agreement for signing the document through digital certification {tId}, transaction code: {Token}",
"LanguageCode": "en"
"clickMsg": "Click here to sign",
"disableEmail": true
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": { "entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData", "form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageSign", "section": "Success" },
"maskNextStepURLFail": { "entity": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData", "form": "FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageSign", "section": "Fail" },
"businessStatusSuccess": "Document Signed",
"businessStatusFail": "Document Signing Failed",
"redirecttoNamirialLink": true
These are the settings for the OTP sent via email. You can modify the channels of communication, the number of digits the OTP has, the maximum number of retries, the maximum number of resend, the interval the OTP is valid for.
"SourceEntityName" : "FTOS_BARET_Loan",
"Channels": [
"Name": "Email",
"RelatedEntityName": "FTOS_BNKAP_RetailApplicantData",
"RelatedAttribute": "email",
"LookupAttribute": "applicantDataId",
"OTPDigitsNumber": 4,
"MaxRetry": 5,
"MaxResendRetry": 5,
"MaxResendRetryIntervalSeconds": 120
"ValidTimeIntervalMinutes": 3,
"maskNextStepURLChanged": {
"entity": "FTOS_BARET_Loan",
"form": "FTOS_BARET_MortgageLogIn",
"section": "LoginScreen"
"maskNextStepURLSuccess": {
"entity": "FTOS_BARET_Loan",
"form": "FTOS_BARET_MortgageLogIn",
"section": "Applications"
"maskNextStepURLFail": {
"entity": "FTOS_BARET_Loan",
"form": "FTOS_BARET_MortgageLogIn",
"section": "Fail"
"businessWorkflow": {
"entity": "FTOS_BARET_Loan",
"bwAttribute": "FTOS_BARET_LoanId",
"successStatus": "",
"failedStatus": ""