Configuring the Digital Documents Processor

The Digital Mortgages Self-Service Application solution uses in the flow documents which are signed by the customer at the end of the journey and the schedule for the loan. The templates are imported with the package. Furthermore, these files are attached to the digital documents which use SQL procedures as source and finally, reports are attached to the entity pointing to the documents. They are used in the flow via Banking Product Factory and via actions of generating digital documents and added to the UI, where they become accessible to the customer.

  1. Access Studio.
  2. Click the main menu icon at the top left corner.
  3. Click Automation Blocks > Digital Documents. The Digital Documents List page is displayed.
    NameData Source TypeStored procedureDigital Asset
    RetailMortgagePricingScheduleSQL Stored Procedure[ebs].[FTOS_BARET_RetailMortgagePricingSchedule] @IdRWM-SDK
  4. Attach a report to the entity pointing to the document by navigating to Analytics from the main menu.
  5. Select Reports. The Reports List page appears.
    NameScopeEntityOutput MethodDestination Field Destination File NameReport Render FormatDigital Asset
    RetailMortgagePricingScheduleEntityFTOS_BNKAP_PricingAttach to entity scheduleFileschedulePDFRWM-SDK
    Retail Mortgage Loan AgreementEntityFTOS_BNKAP_ApplicationDocumentAttach to entity documentFile contractPDFRWM-SDK
    Retail Mortgage Loan ContractEntityFTOS_BNKAP_ApplicationDocumentAttach to entity documentFilefinalContract