
Follow the bellow steps to install FintechOS Companies House Connector.


  1. Download the package from FintechOS Marketplace.
  2. Obtain the Companies House API key. Additional information can be found on the Companies House Authorisation page.
  3. Install the package on an environment FintechOS and above with the Innovation Studio, Portal and B2C Portal configured. For details on B2C, see Setting B2C Environment.

  4. Configure the JobServer. For information regarding FTOS JobServers, see the JobServer section from the Core DPA Platform 2 Administration Guide.

After the FintechOS environment is installed, please proceed with the next steps.

Import Packages:

  1. Open the FintechOS Innovation Studio, navigate to the DevOps menu, select the Deployment Packages. The Deployment Packages List page opens.

  2. At the top-right corner of the page, click the Import deployment package icon. The Open pop-up appears.
    For details on how to import, see Importing a Deployment Package.

    Browse for the deployment packages:

    1. Import CompaniesHouse.xml
    2. Import FTOS_EXTD_Connectors.xml
    3. Import FTOS_EXTD_ConnectorsAPI.xml
  3. Repeat steps one and two and browse for the below deployment package:
    • Import FTOS_EXTD_Connectors_Data_Definition.xml

System Parameters

Set the below system parameters:

  • CompanyHouseApiKey = base64 encoded value of the key obtained from Companies House. For encoding the site base64 encode can be used.

  • CompanyHouseApiUrl = This is the base API URL for the Companies House integration.