Codat Connector API Methods
As a general orientation, for indicators related to liabilities and assets you can look to the Retrieve Balance Sheet method. For information regrading income, expense gross profit, net operating profit, or net profit you can look to the Retrieve Profit & Loss method. If you are looking for precalculated key indicators (gross profit margin, EBITDA, debt service coverage ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, free cash flow, working capital, fixed service coverage charge), you can start with the Retrieve Key Financial Metrics method.
For detailed accounting data or details about sales or expenses you can use Retrieve Enhanced Profit & Loss method.
Codat Connector uses API keys to control access to the API. The API key needs to be included in all API requests to the server, Base64 encoded within an Authorization header. For example: Authorization: Basic your_encoded_api_key
Authorization: Basic your_encoded_api_key.
.log("Http Route started")
.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, constant("application/json"))
.setHeader("Authorization").simple("Basic "+ myToken)
.log("Response : ${body}");
The authorization header must be included in every API request.
Navigate to the below pages to see the API returns for each request made using the Codat Connector.