
Co-browsing (also known as collaborative browsing) is a technology that allows peer-to-peer communication between two browsers and delivers instant contextual communication.

Using the WebRTC (Web Real Time), an open framework for the web that enables Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities in the browser, Co-browsing is 100% web-based. It requires no downloads, installations or plugins.

With Co-browsing your customers and operators will interact with each other in real-time, streamlining an in-person experience. The operators will see the customers’ screen in real-time and they are able to easily guide customers remotely though forms, transactions, and processes by either highlighting on the customer’s screen or by taking control of the customer’s web session and performing actions on behalf of the customer (if allowed by the customer).

FintechOS enables you to easily add Co-browsing and connect operators and customers in real-time.

Co-browsing can increase operators’ efficiency by reducing call-handling time, faster customer service, enhanced customer satisfaction, and improved business performance.

FintechOS Co-browsing Features

  • Browser sharing in real time. Operators and customers share their active web session while in a video call.
  • Visual drawing tool. Operators can highlight specific area on the customer’s screen to instantly point the customer on specific actions.
  • Documents sharing. Download and sign documents.
  • Control switching. The leader or the participant(s) can take control or request control of the session in seconds.

Co-browsing Security Features

  • Data in transit is encrypted. In a Co-browsing session, FintechOS uses HTTP connections and strong SHA-256 SSL encryption for data in transit.
  • No data is stored. FintechOS does not store Co-browsing session data. The data lives within the memory during the time of the Co-browsing session.
  • Behavior control. Control what an operator can or cannot do.
  • Isolated control. The person who controls the session can restrict other participants' access to session secrets by using elements removal options.
  • Data Privacy. Sensitive customer data is protected using field masking. The fields containing customer sensitive data will be obfuscated, not shown in plain text to the operators and other session participants (if any).
  • White/Black Listing. Allow or deny access and privileges to specific members.
  • Action audit. Track all actions performed during the Co-browsing section.