Creating Document Templates

Before creating a digital document in FintechOS Studio, you should create a template using MS Word or MS Excel. Digital document templates are useful for journeys that offer personalized documents to customers, such as GDPR documents with the name of the customer on them.

IMPORTANT!  To generate digital documents properly, after creating the document templates, make sure that:
  • comments are removed;
  • changes are accepted and tracking changes are stopped;
  • the signature details fit within the page, signature tokens should be centered.

When creating the template, use tokens for fields and tables. The template automatically fills in with data from the database, as it is going to be attached to a digital document.

The digital document's data source is an SQL procedure or Fetch Collection.
The SQL procedure has to be defined in advance, while the Fetch Collection is defined after attaching the template to the digital document.

Use token fields

A token field is a text field that includes a block of text (token) that can be easily selected and manipulated. To use token fields within your report template, include them within curly brackets {} without leading or trailing spaces.

The token should have the following format: table.Name.attributeAlias or tableName.attributeName.

Use table tokens

In case of a table token, the SQL procedure call must contain two select queries separated by comma:

  • The first SELECT should follow this pattern: SELECT 'tokenName' as 'table' to specify that the 'tokenName' token represents a table.
  • The second SELECT will return effective data for the table. The document table columns name must be identical to the attributes name returned by query.


    select 'views' as 'table',
    select entityviewid as 'entityviewid', Data as 'Data'
    from EbsTestEntityView

Format tables in DOCX and XLSX templates

You can format tables in templates in many ways, by: table size, border size, cell padding, add/delete header and border color. You can also include datasets within the table by using table tokens handled through SQL procedures or Fetch Collections.

To automatically fill-in table rows with data from the DB, add a new row to the table and provide the table token in the following format: {tableName.columnAlias}

Show or hide objects in Word document templates

You can show or hide objects, such as paragraphs or tables, in Word document templates only.

The option to show or hide objects is available only in Word document templates, and not Excel.

To do so, use the following token: {show=var1}, where var1 is provided in the SQL procedure in the first dataset. In the SQL procedure, the possible values for var1 are 1 ( show object) and 0 (hide object); whereas, the default value is 1. If the var1 value is not provided within the first dataset of the procedure, the object will be displayed. To hide an object, in the SQL procedure set the value of var1 to 0.