
For tasks to be automatically assigned to a bank employee, operator profiles must be created in the system. These operator profiles hold information like the system user, whether they are on holiday or not, the last task allocation date, competence level, and so on. Follow the steps below to create an operator profile.

  1. In FintechOS Portal, click the main menu and access Task Management > Operator. The list of defined operators is opened.

  2. Click Insert to add a new operator and fill in the following information:

    Option Description
    Name The name of the operator.
    Security User The security user assigned to this operator.
    In Holiday Tick the box if the operator is in holiday.
    Last Task Date The last date when the operator was assigned a task.
  3. In the Operator Replacements section, click the Insert button to add an operator that would replace the current one in case they are not available. Fill in the following information:
  4. Option Description
    Name The name of the replacement operator.
    Operator Pick a replacement operator from the available ones.
    Queue Pick the queue for the replacement operator.
    Replacement Operator The replacement operator.
    Profile Pick a profile for the replacement operator.
    Valid From Date The date from which this operator is a replacement.
    Valid To Date The date until which this operator is a replacement.
  5. Click the Save and close button.
  6. In the OperatorXQueue section, click Insert to add one or more queues to the current operator. Fill in the following information:
  7. Option Description
    Name The name of the queue.
    Queue Pick the queue.
    Operator Pick a replacement operator from the available ones.
    Competence Level The competence level of the operator.
    Last Allocation Date The last allocation date.
    Max Active Item Allocation Number The maximum number of tasks that can be allocated to this operator.
    Item Count The number of tasks allocated to the operator.
  8. Click the Save and close button.
  9. In the Profiles section, click the Insert existing button to insert a profile for this operator.

  10. Click Save and close. The operator is created and is available in the list.