Content Settings

Content tokens (herein referred as content settings) are an easy way to further personalize content in business audience outreach. They can be used in the HTML body of a personalized content item in order to act as a variable that returns an attribute associated with the source entity. More specifically, this can be used to make a single personalized content that when read by the customer will display their name, instead of a generic greeting. This functionality can be used on many different kinds of attributes in order to create a truly impressive experience and display precisely the kind of information a customer needs.

Content settings can be easily managed and empower the business user to channel their creativity towards meaningful content creation.

Add Content Settings

To add a content setting, follow these steps:

  1. Click the main menu icon at the top left corner.
  2. In the main menu, click Hyper-Personalization > Content Settings. The Content Tokens List page opens.
  3. Click the Insert button at the top right corner of the page. The Add Content Token page opens.
  4. Fill in the fields.
  5. Field Description
    Name The name of the token that will be used in personalized content. This field is mandatory.
    Context Entity The name of the entity associated with the required data. This field is mandatory.
    Attribute Name The name of the returned data. This field is mandatory.
    Description Description of what the token is and what it might be used for.

  6. Click the Save and close button at the top right corner to save the content token The record is added to the Content Tokens List page.

Delete button at the top right corner of the page. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Yes to delete the selected record.