
Retrieves the pre-invoice details of the specified customer and agreement combination which were not attached to an invoice yet. You can further filter the results to display only the details for a certain product or product type, according to your needs.


The FTOS_TPM_GetAvailableDetails custom endpoint is called from within the Endpoint API endpoint. Visit the Endpoint API page for more details.

POST <host_address>/ftosapi/automation-processors/actions/FTOS_TPM_GetAvailableDetails
Content-Type: application/json
  "agreementNo": "<third_party_agreement_number>",
  "customerNo": "<customer_number>",
  "productTypeCode": "<product_type_code>",
  "productCode": "<product_code>"

Here's a list of the available parameters:

Parameter Description
host_address URL of the FintechOS Platform server.
customerNo Mandatory. The number of the customer for whom an agreement is searched.
agreementNo Mandatory. The agreement number.
productTypeCode Optional, text. The code of the product type for which you wish to return the pre-invoice details generated for the customer/ agreement combination.
productCode Optional, text. The code of the product for which you wish to return the pre-invoice details generated for the customer/ agreement combination.


The response indicates the result of the code execution and it returns a json containing the pre-invoice details filtered according to the sent parameters, where Invoiced = False.


Response JSON Schema

  "IsSuccess": false,
  "AvailableDetails": [
      "Agreement": "Agreement",
      "AgreementPricing": "AgreementPricing",
      "CalculatedValue": 0.0,
      "Commission": "Commission",
      "Contract": "Contract",
      "Currency": "Currency",
      "Event": "Event",
      "PaymentType": "PaymentType",
      "PreInvoiceDetail": "PreInvoiceDetail"
