
Deletes an invoice detail from the specified third-party invoice in Draft status. If successfully deleted, the pre-invoice detail on which the invoice detail was based upon becomes available to be attached to another invoice, as its Invoiced field becomes False.


The FTOS_TPM_DeleteInvoiceDetails custom endpoint is called from within the Endpoint API endpoint. Visit the Endpoint API page for more details.

POST <host_address>/ftosapi/automation-processors/actions/FTOS_TPM_DeleteInvoiceDetails
Content-Type: application/json
    "invoiceNo": "<invoice_number>",
    "invoiceDetailNo": "<invoice_detail_number>"

Here's a list of the available parameters:

Parameter Description
host_address URL of the FintechOS Platform server.
invoiceNo Mandatory, text. The invoice number you wish to delete the detail from.
invoiceDetailNo Mandatory, text. The invoice detail number you wish to delete.


The response indicates the result of the code execution.


Response JSON Schema

  "IsSuccess": false
