Loan Periodicity

Core Banking uses the loan periodicity dictionary used to define the regularity of payments. For example, payments related to loan contracts, commissions, or installments can be performed once, daily, monthly, yearly, and so on.

To manage loan periodicity records:

  1. In FintechOS Portal, click the main menu icon and expand the Admin Configurations menu.
  2. Click the Loan Periodicity menu item to open the Loan Periodicity page.

On the Loan Periodicity page, you can add new loan periodicity records or search, edit, and delete existing ones.

Creating Loan Periodicity Records

Follow these steps to create new loan periodicity records:

  1. Click Insert on the Loan Periodicity page. The Add Loan Periodicity page is displayed.

  2. Fill in the following fields:

  • Name - Enter the name of the periodicity.

  • Periodicity - Enter the number of measurement units for the periodicity.

  • Measurement Unit - Select the measurement unit applicable for the periodicity from the drop-down. Possible values: Days, Weeks, Months, Years, and Once.

  1. Click the Save and Reload button. The new loan periodicity is created and ready to be used.