Edit Workflow Transition Configuration
You can add specific actions to be performed before or after status change by editing the workflow transition configuration.
It is possible to access the same page following two paths:
- From the main Studio menu, open the Fintech Automation, then Business Workflows, then Business Workflow Configurations. Next, open the workflow you are working on from the list and click on the third tab named Transition configurations. It displays a list of all the transitions created. Select the transition you are interested in. The ENTITY WORKFLOW TRANSITION CONFIGURATION page will open.
- From the main Studio menu, open the Fintech Automation, then Business Workflows, then Business Workflow Designer. Next, open the workflow you are working on from the list and click the Designer tab. Then, select the transition and click on the Config Transition arrow on the right side of the screen. The ENTITY WORKFLOW TRANSITION CONFIGURATION page will open.
1 Add action group
- In the Edit Workflow Transition Configuration the General tab contains the name of the transition and the Requires Approval bool.
- In the Transition Action Groups section, click the Insert button. The Transition Action Group page appears.
- Enter the Name of the action group, the Code and the Description which will be used by the system.
- Click the Save and reload button. The actions before and the actions after tabs will become available.
- Add actions to be performed on workflow transition. The procedure for adding actions is the same for both before and after actions.
2 Add workflow transaction actions
You can add before, after or before and after business workflow status change by adding actions in the Entity Workflow Transaction Actions Before section, respectively Entity Workflow Transaction Actions Before section, or both. The procedure for adding actions is the same:
- Click the Insert button from the section corresponding to when you want the action to be performed (before or after status change). The Add Entity Workflow Transition Action page appears.
- Enter the Name of the action to be used by the system.
- Enter the Code of the action. It must be unique.
- Enter the description of the action.
- The Action stage is displayed: before/ after. The field is automatically filled in.
- Tick the Apply Always checkbox to ensure business consistency,
- Select the Action Type from the following available values:
- Go to Business Workflow Status. You have to select the Business Workflow Status to which the workflow transitions.
- Custom Script. You have to enter the script Code to be executed on workflow transition.
- Cancel Transition. You have to enter the Error Message to be displayed if the business condition fails.
- Enter the message for the user to read when the action is triggered. For example, this is how it will be rendered in the FintechOS Portal when the action is triggered and the message is displayed at the bottom of the page.
- Click the Save and Reload button (
) at the top right corner of the page.
- Add as many actions as you need, then add the business conditions which if met will trigger specific action execution.
- The Action triggers tab will be available after the action was saved.
3 Add action trigger with business condition
- In the Edit Transition Action Group page, scroll-down to the Action Business Conditions section and click the Insert button. The Add Action Business Condition page appears.
- Enter the Name of the action business condition to be used by the system.
- Select the Business Condition from the list of previously added business conditions.
- Select the Required Evaluation Value. If you want the action to be run if the business condition is met, select True; otherwise select False.
- Click the Save and Reload button (
) at the top right corner of the page.