Product Filter

You can filter banking products by navigating through the list of products based on a filtering scope using the Product Filter.

Filter through the attributes of a banking product in the Availability tab's Product Availability Item Filters, Interest & Commissions Item Filters, Insurance Item Filters and Product Discount Item Filter sections.

Adding Product Filters

  1. In the main menu, click Product Factory > Banking Product Filter, and the Banking Product Filters List page opens.
  2. In the newly displayed Add Banking Product Filter page, click Insert and fill in the following fields:

    • Name: Insert a name for the filter you are building.

    • Filter Scope: Choose one of the attributes for filtering: Availability, InterestCommissions, Insurance, Discount or All.

    • Filter Type: Choose one of the dedicated types: Text Value, Numeric Value, Numeric Interval, Date Value, Date Interval, OptionSet, LookUp or Rule.

      For OptionSet and LookUp attributes, you can add multiple values.

      If you select LookUp attribute, two new fields are displayed: Entity and Entity View. For more details, see Views.

      For Rule attribute, you must select the formula to be used as filtering criteria from the newly displayed Formula field.

  3. Click the Save and Reload button.

    The Product Availability Item Filter section displays the banking products where the selected banking product filter is used.

The data inserted here is shown in the Availability tab in the Product Availability Item Filter section of the Banking Product pages.