Banking Product Type

The banking product types are the types of products that can be created using Banking Product Factory. Banking products inherit the behavior you set for banking product types, thus easing the banking product creation process. The values you set here are later inherited by banking products created based on this specific product type. You can view and change the inherited values at the product level, most of them within the Details tab.

You can create banking product types based on the banking product models used by financial institutions: bank account, card, deposit, mortgage, term loan, and so on. During product definition, it is important to choose the right type of product to build, because the displayed fields depend on this choice.

Banking Product Factory enables you to define the desired banking product types by managing the records in the Banking Product Type menu:

  1. In the main menu, click Product Factory > Banking Product Dictionaries > Banking Product Type, and the Banking Product Type List page opens.

  2. On the Banking Product Type List page, you can: create a new banking product type record, associate transaction types, interest scopes, country calendars, and payment schedule types, to a banking product type, edit an existing record (except its product type and its bank account type), delete, or search for a specific record.

    You can insert, update, or delete records if you have the associated role of Banking Product Admin.

Creating Banking Product Type Records

Follow these steps to create new banking product type records:

  1. Click the Insert button on the Banking Product Type List page. The Add Banking Product Type page is displayed. A series of fields from the Default Values section of the page are automatically filled in, to aid the product type definition process.

  1. Fill in the following fields in the Main Information section:

    • Type Code: Enter the unique code of the banking product type.

    • Name: Enter the name of the new banking product type.

    • Product Type: Select from the drop-down the product type.

    • Bank Account Type: Select from the drop-down the new bank account type to be used with the new banking product type.

  1. Fill in or modify the following fields in the Default Values section:

    • Is Guaranteed - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked as needing guarantees.

    • Allow Refinance - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked as allowing refinancing for contracts. The checkbox is selected by default, but you can change its value.

    • Allow Restructuring - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked as allowing restructuring for contracts. The checkbox is selected by default, but you can change its value.

    • Allow Codebtor - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked as allowing codebtors for contracts. The checkbox is selected by default, but you can change its value..

    • Max No Codebtor - Enter the maximum number of codebtors allowed for contracts based on this banking product type.

    • Auto Disbursement - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked for automatic disbursement of funds at the contract approval. The checkbox is selected by default, but you can change its value.

    • Max No Disbursement - Enter the maximum number of disbursements allowed for contracts based on this banking product type. Default value: null, for unlimited number.

    • Grace Type - Select the type of grace applicable for contracts based on this banking product type. You can choose between none, for no grace, Interest, for the grace period applied for the interest of the contract, Principal, for the grace period applied for the principal amount of the contract, or Both, for the grace period applied for the interest and the principal amount of the contract.

    • Product Grace - This is mandatory if you selected a grace type. Select the product grace applicable to contracts based on this banking product type.

    • Period Type - Select the period type applicable to contracts based on this banking product type. Possible values: days, weeks, months, years, once, or none.

    • Holiday Shift - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked to use the holiday shift method for schedule due day calculation for contracts. The checkbox is not selected by default, but you can change its value.
      If Holiday Shift = False, then Defer Due Date = False, Holiday Shift Method = False, and you can't modify them.

    • Defer Due Date - If you select this checkbox, the banking product type is marked for deferring the due date when it falls on a holiday in the used country calendar. The checkbox is not selected by default, but you can change its value.

    • Holiday Shift Method - Select the holiday shift method used for schedule due day calculation for contracts based on this banking product type. Possible values: forward, backward, or none.

  2. Click the Save and Reload button. The new banking product type record is saved.

You can proceed to associate transaction types, interest scopes, country calendars, and payment schedule types, all in dedicated sections of the Edit Banking Product Type page, as follows: