AriadNext Settings
The AriadNext settings are defined in JSON format as key-value pairs. The following settings are available:
Setting | JSON Key | Description |
UID File | FileUIDAttribute | The name of the source entity attribute on which the unique ID of the AriadNext file is saved. It holds a unique ID used for retrieving reports. |
Workflow entity | SourceEntityPrimaryAttributeName | The name of the primary key attribute. |
Configuration code | ConfigurationCode | Configuration code obtained from configuration call which is done initially. NOTE The configuration code is provided by FintechOS at implementation. |
Webhook endpoint name | WebhookEndpointName | Array containing the names of the notification endpoint obtained through the initial configuration call. NOTE The webhook endpoint name is provided by FintechOS at implementation. |
Features | Features | The following options are available:
Workflow entity | SourceEntityName | The entity associated with the business workflow (digital journey) that calls the OCR process. Needed only if the OCR process is used on an edit form (to alter an existing record) to update the workflow entity's business status after the scan (see BusinessStatusSuccess and BusinessStatusFail). If the OCR process is used on an insert form (to create a new record), this key is not needed. |
Redirect in case of success | MaskNextStepUrlSuccess | Location in the user interface where the user is redirected after a successful scan.
Redirect in case of failure | MaskNextStepUrlFail | Location in the user interface where the user is redirected after the maximum number of failed scan attempts (see AriadNext Settings).
Sample JSON code for AriadNext settings
"FileUIDAttribute": "fileUID",
"SourceEntityPrimaryAttributeName": "FTOSTestProcessorsId",
"ConfigurationCode": "fintechos_conf_1",
"WebhookEndpointName": ["test_webhooks_endpoint"]
"Features": {
"DocumentLiveness": true,
"BiometricLiveness": true
"UseLocalization": true